November Movember Moustaches

As the leaves turn orange, it can only mean one thing: time to grow a moustache.
It’s the first of November, the month that’s become associated with moustaches thanks to the sterling work of the men’s health charity Movember, so here’s a round-up of proud ‘tache wearers.
From the ultimate cad & bounder Terry-Thomas & the Chaplin toothbrush, to the strongman twirl of Eugen Sandow and the resplendent walrus of Peter Wyngarde, this round-up of moustache wearers have become known for their hirsute facial stylings.
Started in 2003 by a couple of friends in Australia, Movember has grown into a worldwide phenomenon that’s raised millions for men’s health projects.
You can get involved with Movember in many ways, from being sponsored to grow a moustache to simply making a donation, as well as learning about all the projects they’ve funded, at the organisation’s website here.
The moustache owners pictured above are: Terry-Thomas, John Laurie, Fulton Mackay, Footballer Hairstyles, John Cleese, David Niven, Cecil Parker, Michael Gambon, Bass Reeves, John Tenniel, Count Basie, Dizzy, Eugen Sandow, Thelonious, Prince Ranji, a Strongman, J.T. Hearne, Peter Wyngarde, Chaplin, & Bill Pickett.